A Collective

Life is not based on competition. 
It never was.

History does not hinge on proprietary selection. 
It never did.

Where one Being flourishes, so does the totality of this majestic collective. 
This IS a collective. 
One exquisite, living, breathing biosphere.

When you thrive, I thrive.

Every tree, every bird, every breath of wind is a teacher. A cousin. A friend. 
When you cease to believe the chaotic, combative narrative, which favors the survival of a few at the expense of many, it becomes clear that we never left the garden.

Paradise has been right here, all along.

Lay down your keen defenses, Beloved. Relinquish your hardened weapons.

There is nothing wrong with you. 
No fault. 
No failure. 
No division, nor separation, save that which adheres to your perception. 
You are star stuff. 
You are myriad miracles in motion.
You are golden.

We are in this together. 
Innately worthy.
Intrinsically free.

We chose how this story unfolds. 
Every chapter, and every page.

Eden is a breath away.


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