If it can be imagined, it can be created.

If it can be remembered, it can be restored.


Breathe Beloved
Toroidal Hypnosis Activation Sessions

What if everything you've ever been, or will be; every memory; every experience; every piece of knowledge or wisdom - could be accessed
as easily as opening a file folder?
What if every personal goal you might have, no matter how seemingly impossible, were readily attainable through gentle, easeful focus?


The unprecedented technique of Toroidal Hypnosis
can offer all this, and so much more.
From past life exploration, to future timeline hopping, to present health and wellness management,
this unique form of therapy approaches the totality of a Soul's experience as one, dynamic, malleable continuum.


What would your life look like, if your wildest dreams and desires were to come true? If all of your genetic, epigenetic, morphogenetic, sub and super-conscious codes were completely accessible to you, to play with as you chose? 


Are you ready
to find out, Beloved?


Join Emily Jean, a master practitioner and trainer of this extraordinary technique, and explore the exceptional possibilities waiting for you, on the other side of the looking glass. 



Note: This listing is for a single toroidal hypnosis session, which includes up to five days of direct access to Emily Jean for integration.

information on long-term activation and intensive progrAMS can be found here.