Chop Wood

Regret is a harsh beast. 
It binds us to the past, like an iron chain.
Binds us with resentments, with remorse, with guilt, with shame.
Forgiveness sets us free. 
Commitment is key.

A propensity for clinging to the past, and a fear of the future, are both symptomatic of an underlying inability to commit fully to the present moment. 
If we earnestly, unflinchingly commit to the present moment, without doubt, hindrance, or hesitation, we find that our earnest best is ALWAYS good enough. 
If we show up fully to the task at hand, whatever it may be, regret disappears. 
Uncertainty evaporates. 
Anxiety dissolves.

All that remains is The Now.

In the Zen Buddhist traditions, there is a teaching "Chop wood, carry water." Whatever you do, do it with presence. 
With diligence. 
With passion. 
With devotion to the process. 
With unwavering commitment. 
Forgive yourself and others for the moments which were not fully committed to.
...and press on.

Breathe deeply, Beloved. 
Stand tall.
Hold your head high.

Chop the wood.
Carry the water.
Do the thing.

You got this.


Emily BensonComment