Thank You

I love you.
When I say I love you, I MEAN it, and I mean YOU.
Every day, in every way, I LOVE you, and I value you.
I am so INCREDIBLY grateful for you.
For your presence. For you being, and for you being you.

Every comment, every message saying my work touches you.
Every email detailing how my words saved your life, lifted you.
Breaks my heart open with gratitude. 
At least per day, on Facebook, on Insta, on my blog, in email, in DMs, someone reaches out to tell me that my work, the content which I offer to the collective every day for free, brought them out of darkness, turned then back from the razor's edge, or helped them navigate through hardship that would have otherwise broken them.

Do you have any idea how incredibly great that feels?

I am humbled by your presence, my loves.
I am grateful beyond words to serve you.
You mean the world to me.

From the bottom of my heart.
From the depths of my soul.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

I love you. 
Always and in all ways.


Emily BensonComment