Only Breath

Dear Heart.
Cherished One. 
You are safe.
You are sound.
You are free.

It is ok to breathe.
It is ok to BE. 

You are no hapless bystander in the evolution of your unique experience.
Nor a passive observer, peering out from behind plate glass. 
You are IN it.
THIS life. 
YOUR life.

You are an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in the totality of this holistic, ECSTATIC experience. 
NOTHING which happens within the context of this dynamic, unfolding continuum, happens without your INDISPENSABLE, immeasurably impactful involvement.

It's time to LEAN IN.
For really REAL this time.

Cease the continual, habitual placing of power outside, Beloved.
You chose this.
You choose this.
Now, OWN it.
Moment to moment. 
Don't like it?
Change it.

Love it?
Appreciate it.

If you're looking for some "other" to blame or to take credit for the manner and modality in which your life shows up, I'll assure you right now, you're playing a futile game. 
There is no "other".
Only you. 
Only this. 
Only breath.


Emily BensonComment