
Activation Intensive.

Intimate, luxury setting. deep relaxation, wild transmutation.
An entirely new sort of experience, of the life changing, timeline shifting sort.



Unravel lifetimes of obsolete patterns with the greatest of ease and grace...

Breathe Beloved retreats are an altogether new variety
of activation. 


Luxe accommodations, island local,
intimate, high vibe groups.

Expect the unexpected,
and prepare to be moved gently and joyfully through a life-changing shift. 


Enjoy beachfront amenities, and gourmet, biodynamic, organic, probiotic meals, all catered to your specifications.


Immerse yourself in island life, and anchor in New Earth codes while taking in blissful surroundings.

Step into your next uplevel...
Join us in paradise!


Allow for reflection of the whole of your bountiful, luminous glory.

To mirror the incredible, BEAUTIFUL AWAKENING of ancient, visionary consciousness which is unfolding within YOU.

Activate the energetic upgrades which lie sleeping in your auric field, awaiting your willingness to step into your DESTINED ROLE as a luminary in The Great Ascension now betiding our Collective.